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Monumental Inscription for the grave of two Brothers, a Child and a Youth
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Autographensammlung van Endert/Engelmann, HHI.2016.G.1001.282
HHI.SLG van Endert/Engelmann Autographensammlung van Endert/Engelmann
Autographensammlung van Endert/Engelmann >> Archivalie – Werkmanuskript
Monumental Inscription
for the grave of two Brothers, a Child and a Youth.
Thou that canst gaze upon time own fair Boy,
And hear his Prayer's low murmur at thy Knee,
And …. his Sermons bend in breathleß joy –
Come to this tomb! it hath a Voice for Thee.
Pray! – Thou art blest – ask strength for Sorrow’s power(?);
Love deep as time, lays here its broken flower!
Thou, that art gathering from the smile of Youth
Thy thousand hopes, rejoicing to behold
All the heart’s depth(?) before thee, bight with Truth,
All the mind’s treasures silently unfold;
Look on their tomb! – to thee too, speaks the Grave,
When God hath lead’d the Youth of hope He gave.