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Here you can create personal saved lists, name them and provide a description. Objects added to saved lists can be complemented with a comment. Personal saved lists can be published and subsequently accessed by other users via a particalur web address. The saved list "All objects" comprises all objects added to any saved list. With the Index Tool you can attach keywords to your list and add objects.
1902, Stadtverwaltung Frankfurt (Oder), Wohnungs-Anzeiger für Frankfurt a. O. und Adreß-Kalender für die Städte Frankfurt a. O., Cüstrin und Landsberg a. W.
1928 - 1938, Stadtarchiv Frankfurt (Oder), StAFF 1-313 BA I Tit. 27 Nr. 239
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Falls Sie diese Liste im Schlagworttool bearbeiten, werden die Objekte dort ebenfalls entfernt.
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Fachstelle Archiv
Keyword tool
You are not registered for the keyword tool. Please contact us. The keyword tool is only available in German.