
By Archivportal-D
In the section "Archives introduce themselves" we present the various data providers of Archivportal-D and link to their holdings. We are happy that the archive of the Düsseldorf City Archive is participating!
By Archivportal-D
Im Online-Workshop des DFG-Projektes „Sachthematische Zugänge im Archivportal-D am Beispiel 'Weimarer Republik'“ lud das Projektteam interessierte sowie bereits teilnehmende Archive zum praxisorientierten Austausch und zum Mitmachen ein.
By Archivportal-D
n the section "Archives introduce themselves" we present the various data providers of the Archivportal-D and link to their holdings. We are pleased that the Stadtarchiv Bad Berleburg is participating.
By Archivportal-D
Within the framework of the DFG project "Sachthematische Zugang im Archivportal-D am Beispiel 'Weimarer Republik'" a team from the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, the Bundesarchiv, FIZ Karlsruhe and the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek is currently designing new ways of indexing and mediating archival material, using sources on the Weimar Republic as examples.
By Archivportal-D
On March 18, 2019, project team representatives from the Federal Archives, the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg and FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure presented the project structure and first results after about nine months of project duration during a one-day workshop in the Federal Archives Koblenz.