
By Archivportal-D
In the "In Focus" section, we present special highlights from archives that are represented in the Archivportal-D. These selected archival materials provide an insight into the holdings and offer research...
By Archivportal-D
Within the framework of the DFG project "Sachthematische Zugang im Archivportal-D am Beispiel 'Weimarer Republik'" a team from the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, the Bundesarchiv, FIZ Karlsruhe and the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek is currently designing new ways of indexing and mediating archival material, using sources on the Weimar Republic as examples.
By Archivportal-D
"Looking through patent drawings is just like time travel," is a quotation from the American patent lawyer Kevin Price in an article in Der Spiegel. Price, whose fascination for patent drawings led him to author a cultural history of patent drawings ("The Art of the Patent", 2011), states at the same time that there is a "decline of this art form". He describes how inventors used to create graphically rich patent designs, while those of today are rather "callous, dry".
By Archivportal-D
The Archivportal-D celebrates its birthday. On 24 September 2014, it was ceremonially released during the opening event of the 84th German Archive Day in Magdeburg. Since then, the platform has undergone continuous development and today offers a comprehensive range of archive information and digital archive material.
By Archivportal-D
As the memory of the city, the Stadtarchiv-ISG is responsible for all analogue and digital documents on the history of Mannheim. A total of about 14 km of files and official books are kept.