
By Archivportal-D
On March 18, 2019, project team representatives from the Federal Archives, the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg and FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure presented the project structure and first results after about nine months of project duration during a one-day workshop in the Federal Archives Koblenz.
By Archivportal-D
The Stadtarchiv Speyer is part of the city's cultural heritage and is the oldest municipal archive in the Palatinate. The municipal tradition, which is kept on 2,500 shelf metres, dates back to the 12th century.
By Archivportal-D
A municipal archive is first mentioned in Munich in 1520 in the official area of the city chamber. At that time, all deeds and documents of legal relevance to the city were stored in the City Chamber rooms at the City Hall.
By Archivportal-D
As the memory of the city of Mainz, the city archive secures and indexes all important documents on the history of Mainz. From medieval parchment documents to digital data carriers, the archive preserves the entire range of historical sources.
By Archivportal-D
At the 84th German Archive Day in Magdeburg, Archive Portal-D was opened to the public on September 24th. The Internet at www. freely accessible portal enables extensive and free research in Germany's archives.