The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library), Germany's largest history library and an innovation center in the field of digital cultural heritage, and the library of the Deutsches Museum (German Museum), one of the most internationally respected special libraries for the history of technology, natural sciences and the environment, have been operating - Fachinformationsdienst Geschichtswissenschaft - for more than five years. The result is an information service covering the entire spectrum of historical science from the early Middle Ages onwards. The landing page offers access to research tools, the German Historical Bibliography and digital services of the FID such as the so-called discipline portals. The FID has a special focus on four fields:
1. Literature and licenses for the special needs of the historical sciences
The FID is building up an extensive collection of special literature in print and digital form to supplement the local basic supply of scientists. The titles are available to interested parties throughout Germany via interlibrary loan and document delivery services. An integral part are also the so-called FID licenses for e-books, e-journals and databases for historical sources. Use is possible for researchers who are affiliated with a German historical research institution or who reside in Germany and show an interest in research. Users can also suggest monographs, journals, or e-resources for acquisition to the FID via the Wish Book Service, or suggest out-of-print works from the publication period between 1913 and 1965 for digitization.
2. Research portals for historical science
The research portal historicumSEARCH can be used to simultaneously search around 40 relevant library catalogs, subject bibliographies and full-text data sources worldwide for research literature on history. The research portal on the history of technology and natural sciences has been expanded to include the history of the environment and enables searches in library catalogs as well as subject, object, and essay databases. The WebGuide History offers a selection of subject-relevant internet resources for orientation in the data diversity of the World Wide Web.
3. German Historical Bibliography
Since work on the Historical Bibliography and the Annual Reports on German History was discontinued, Germany no longer had a national historical bibliography until 2016. To fill this gap, the FID has since been developing the German Historical Bibliography together with partners. The project combines conventional article indexing with digital methods of data retrieval and offers the historical community the opportunity to contribute titles themselves. The bibliography currently contains almost half a million titles.
4. recensio.regio – Review platform for regional history
The review platform for German-language regional history recensio.regio offers access to reviews of regional history journals. The full text of the reviews from the cooperating journals is available to users free of charge and freely accessible. recensio.regio is an offshoot of the platform, which was successfully established in 2011 and focuses on European history; both portals (and also the other offshoots recensio.antiquitatis and recensio.artium) are searchable together.