Launch of Archivportal-D: German Archives online now!

By Archivportal-D

At the 84th German Archive Day in Magdeburg, Archive Portal-D was opened to the public on September 24th. The Internet at www. freely accessible portal enables extensive and free research in Germany's archives. Archive visits and research trips are thus easier to plan and can be made more efficient.

Shortly after launching the portal, users can already access over 5 million data records from more than 25 participating archives. In addition, general information about another 400 facilities is available. The great interest of numerous archives to provide new content for the portal suggests a rapidly growing database.

The Archivportal-D contains online finding aids from a wide variety of archive sectors. You can search for state or local traditions as well as church and business archives - as well as for location and person references, periods of origin or previous provenances, ie the origin of the archive material.

Many treasures from German archives can be called up digitally, such as the golden bull of Emperor Charles IV , which has recently become a UNESCO World Heritage Site as the central constitutional document of the Holy Roman Empire. You can also find a self-drawn caricature by the composer Paul Hindemith or Notgeld from Magdeburg with historical motifs from the city's history .

The Archivportal-D realizes the first sector-specific application with the data from the German Digital Library . All archival information is made available to Archivportal-D via the open programming interface of the German Digital Library.

The Archivportal-D shows how well the data from the German Digital Library can be reused and what benefits new applications have.
Hermann Parzinger, spokesman for the board of the German Digital Library and president of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

The German Digital Library networks data and objects from all cultural sectors - from libraries, archives and museums as well as from media libraries or monument conservation. Within the German Digital Library, Archivportal-D presents data stocks in a new archival context:

With the help of Archivportals-D, we are able to map the specific characteristics of archival material. It will be the central entry point for research in archives.
Robert Kretzschmar, President of the Baden-Württemberg State Archives

The data contained in the Archivportal-D are also made available to international cultural property portals, such as the Archivportal Europa or the Europeana, and in this way made available to an even larger audience and cross-linked.

The portal has been developed and operated since 2012 under the leadership of the Baden-Württemberg State Archives together with FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure GmbH, the State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Saxon State Archives and the Marburg Archive School. The German Research Foundation is funding the joint project.
